The Best of the Dukan Diet: Weekly and Daily Menus

Girls following the French Dukan dietThe Dukan Diet and Daily Menu is presented by Dr. Pierre Dukan. He claims this diet will help you reach your optimal weight and maintain it throughout your life. What are the characteristics of the "attack" phase? What are the disadvantages of the Dukan Diet? What daily menu is everyone talking about? You will learn all about this in this article.Today, the Dukan Diet is number one in the world. She has helped millions of people around the world lose weight, including celebrities like Jennifer Lopez and Kate Middleton.From now on, you don't need to constantly count calories or burn yourself out on strict diets. The innovative Dukan method is that you can eat absolutely anything while on the diet!

The Essence of the Dukan Protein Diet

What makes French cuisine so popular? The basis of the Dukan weight loss system is a protein diet and strict restriction of carbohydrate and fat intake. In just 3-4 days, you will feel the effectiveness of the step-by-step weight loss system. Many Hollywood stars have achieved a chiseled "Barbie" figure thanks to the famous coordinated weight loss diet and exercise regimen. Prince William's wife Penelope Cruz and Jennifer Lopez have amazing figures after following French doctor Dukan's diet to lose weight.If you think the Dukan Diet is the strictest nutritional system, then this is a deeply personal misunderstanding. While you're losing weight, you won't feel hunger pangs constantly reminding you of your presence. The French diet includes many "protein" foods, and as we all know, protein is the "building material" of every cell in our body. Another important feature of the Dukan weight loss system is that the kilograms lost using the diet will not be regained for several years!

Features of Dukan Nutrition

This diet became popular around the world after the book "I Can't Lose Weight" was published in 2000. In the book, the still-little-known French doctor Pierre Ducan explains why some people have extremely difficult time losing weight, and why they gain it back so quickly after a strict diet.
Dukan believes that the human body contains a certain number of cells capable of storing fat. Everyone has a different number of fat cells. Some people have more fat cells, and some people have fewer fat cells. Those who "have" large numbers of these cells are much more likely to be overweight. Additionally, when a fat cell cannot hold its stored fat, it begins to divide. And the amount of fat tissue increases exponentially.

The Four Stages of the Dukan Diet

  1. attack- Basic weight loss, lasting up to five days.
  2. alternately- Continue weight loss until desired results are achieved, which may last several months.
  3. merge- Record the results and calculate the duration using the formula of ten days per kilogram of weight lost.
  4. stabilization— Preserves and maintains results for life.
Each stage has its own product list. The intensity of weight loss depends on compliance with the main principles of the diet.

Attack – the first stage of the diet

Doctors consider this stage to be the most dangerous to health. Pierre Ducan himself agreed with this general opinion, and therefore gave clear advice on adhering to it. The first stage. Attack | Duquesne's Diet.
  1. Calculate excess weight. To calculate your weight, you can use the free calculator available on the official Dukan website. The calculation is carried out in the form of a questionnaire. After entering your data, a letter containing the information you require will be sent to your email. You can also get the average data yourself. To do this, subtract 100 cm for men and 110 cm for women from your height in centimeters. Therefore, a woman with a height of 164 cm should weigh 54 kg.
  2. Do not persist in the attack phase for longer than recommended. It is generally believed that at this stage a person can reach the desired weight immediately. Not only is this impossible, it's dangerous! During the "attack", the weight is reduced from one to six kilograms, and the Dukan diet, with its daily menu, begins to work normally. Observe the duration of this phase according to the list:
    • If according to the calculator you are up to 5 kg overweight, the duration of this phase of the diet is 1-3 days;
    • Excessive weight - 5 to 10 kg - Duration of the "attack" phase - 3-5 days;
    • 10 kg or more overweight - Duration of phase - 5-7 days (maximum 9 days).
Please note that even if you are severely obese, you are still prohibited from being in Phase 1 of the Dukan Diet for more than 10 days. It’s important to understand that the goal of this phase is not to lose as much weight as quickly as possible, but to kick-start the body’s fat-breaking mechanisms.
Take control of your condition. The danger at this stage is consuming only animal protein. This puts a lot of stress on the kidneys and can lead to dehydration. According to several experts, this is exactly the result of rapid weight loss based on the first week of dieting. It has a motivating effect and indicates the beginning of weight loss.During this stage, it is important to drink a lot of alcohol. Drink at least one and a half liters of fluid every day.Eat oat bran. Take one and a half tablespoons of product daily with plenty of water. This can be a snack or a substitute for one of the meals.
Why does the Dukan Diet's daily weight loss menu start with protein? Its authors believe that animal protein is the best food for humans. Our bodies have been familiar with it since ancient times, and modern fast food and sweets are unacceptable because their recipes are foreign to our bodies.
Additionally, protein is one of the hardest foods to digest. The body spends a lot of energy on digestion, which eliminates the possibility of converting excess calories into fat tissue. The important thing is to get pure protein with no fat or a minimal amount of fat.

Products allowed in "attack"

  1. Lean meat: veal, beef, horse meat (except beef ribs and beef tenderloin), rabbit meat. Pork contains up to 6% fat – rare! Mutton is prohibited.
  2. Offal: Beef, veal, and poultry livers, kidneys, and veal tongues and tongue tips.
  3. Egg. Up to two egg yolks per day. Protein – unlimited daily. If you have high cholesterol levels, don't eat more than 3-4 egg yolks per week.
  4. Low-fat dairy products 0%: cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir, natural milk, milk powder (no more than 3 tablespoons per day).
  5. Poultry (should not be eaten with skin on). Birds with flat beaks (geese and ducks) were excluded.
  6. Lean ham (no pork rind). Fat content 2% to 4%.
  7. All fish, without exception: fresh or smoked, fatty, canned in its own juice.
  8. Any crustaceans and molluscs.
All these products must be fat-free. You can eat them at any time of the day without any quantity limit. Forget about calorie counting!
Certain additives are allowed in reasonable amounts:
  • Ketchup (sugar-free) up to 2 tablespoons;
  • rosehip soup (2 tablespoons berries);
  • Gelatin, agar, baking powder (baking powder), yeast;
  • Coffee, tea, herbal tea;
  • Crab sticks (no more than 8 per day);
  • 1 tbsp. Lake paraffin oil. Can be used as salad dressing. It is recommended to dilute with soda water. Do not heat or fry;
  • Lemon as a condiment (do not drink as lemonade or eat as fruit);
  • Diet Coke and other diet foods. drinks;
  • Isomalt - 15 g;
  • Vinegar (balsamic or any other vinegar that suits your taste), soy sauce;
  • Vegetable oil (olive/canola oil) 1 coffee spoon;
  • Gluten - 2 tbsp. lake in one day;
  • Cumin, parsley, onions (no more than 1. 5 onions per day) and other spices and herbs;
  • Low-carb, low-fat protein shakes/powders;
  • Sugar substitutes (0 kcal), except fructose, glucose, sorbitol, etc. ;
  • Inulin - 15 g;
  • Moderate amounts of salt and mustard (they tend to retain water in the body);
  • Gherkins (2 per day, depending on size) can be used as a flavoring in dishes.
In the first stage, dry mouth or bad breath may occur. Don't panic, this is proof that you are on the right path.
  1. The daily menu of the Dukan diet includes walking for 20 minutes a day and exercising.
  2. Eat 1. 5 tablespoons of oat bran daily. If you are intolerant to bran, use 1. 5 tbsp. Lake buckwheat (dry). Use caution as buckwheat and bran have different nutritional properties and are absorbed differently by the body. Exceeding standards may result in stagnation. Prepare buckwheat according to your preference (can be boiled or steamed with water, milk).
  3. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water every day (this 2 liters includes coffee and tea).

Dukan Diet - Daily Menu

on Monday
  • breakfast: Omelette with meat and coffee;
  • dinner: Cod fish soup, bran bread;
  • afternoon tea: Curd;
  • dinner: Meat baked in foil, green tea.
  • breakfast: Whole cheese, bran bread;
  • dinner: Quail egg broth;
  • afternoon tea: Low-fat yogurt;
  • dinner: Stew fish in its own juices.
  • breakfast: Scrambled eggs, herring or lightly salted salmon, coffee;
  • dinner: Steak without onions, bread and yogurt;
  • afternoon tea: Kefir;
  • dinner: Boil squid.
  • breakfast: Bread with bran and processed cheese, strong tea;
  • dinner: Fish fillet soup;
  • afternoon tea: Cheese casserole, tea;
  • dinner: Grilled chicken tenders, kefir.
  • breakfast: Boiled eggs, kefir;
  • dinner: Onion-free fish fillet and bread, yogurt;
  • afternoon tea: Milk, bran bread;
  • dinner: Beef tenderloin stew, tea.
  • breakfast: Scrambled eggs, coffee;
  • dinner: Meatball soup;
  • afternoon tea: Yogurt, oat bran;
  • dinner: Stewed mussels, tea.
  • breakfast: Whole cheese, coffee;
  • dinner: Fish fillet soup, yogurt;
  • afternoon tea: Casserole or cheese pancakes, kefir;
  • dinner: Steak, yogurt.
You can change the products on the menu at your own discretion, replace meat dishes with fish, use pure cottage cheese in casseroles and cheesecakes. The diet does not indicate fluid intake, but you should remember that between snacks you should drink plenty of water, at least one and a half liters per day.

Dukan Diet Recipes

Recipe 1. According to Dukan (Dukan Diet Daily Menu), turkey and zucchini stew can help you lose weight.compound:
  • Breast meat – 600-650 g;
  • Dill, rosemary as appropriate;
  • 1 onion;
  • medium zucchini;
  • half a baby carrot;
  • Salt.
Prepare:Add the diced zucchini to the skillet, cover with a little water and bring to a simmer. Fillet the fish and add to the pan. Grate the carrots and serve them with the turkey zucchini. Add salt and seasonings. Cook until cooked.Recipe 2. According to Dukan, diet pancakes made from cottage cheese.compound:
  • Egg – 1;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 2 tbsp. l. ;
  • Curd mass – 100 g (without sugar);
  • Sugar substitute - in moderation, cinnamon.
Prepare:Use a blender to blend all ingredients. Heat the frying pan, add a little oil and pour an appropriate amount of dough. Fry pancakes with lid on: 2 minutes per side. Coat the cooled pancakes with soft cheese and fold them into "cakes". Sprinkle with cinnamon and enjoy a delicious meal with Dukan Diet's daily menu at your side.Recipe 3. Savory pie made with chicken and herbs during the diet.compound:
  • Egg white – 4;
  • Cheese – 300 g;
  • Chicken fillet – 300 g;
  • dried herbs (onions, dill);
  • Kefir – 150 ml;
  • spices (garlic, turmeric, paprika and ginger);
  • Salt – 0. 5 tsp.
Prepare:Beat egg whites with salt. Sift cheese and spices until smooth. Add half of the fillets to the contents and mix with a blender.Cut the remaining chicken into chunks and mix with the curd and kefir mixture. Finally, add the egg whites. Pour the dough into the mold and sprinkle with vanilla. Bake in the oven over medium heat for 35 minutes.


  • "It all started last winter when my friend said I was a little heartbroken. I'd never been on a diet in my life! But here, friends are a motivator. At first I was on the grapefruit diet. OK. You lose weight fast. , but of course it’s harder to sit down. You can’t eat too much. "
  • "Before losing weight on this diet, I read a lot about it. I read reviews from real people who followed this diet. Then I read Pierre Ducan's book "I Can't Lose Weight". Then I listedcame up with a list of products recommended by Pierre Dukan (the Dukan Diet has a menu every day). I compiled a menu or looked for recipes on the Internet or asked people who followed this diet how best to cook. I thoughtEat as much as you want and whenever you want. Well, I drink a lot of water and green tea. This eating habit allows people to develop the habit of eating right instead of overeating, thus leading to a healthy lifestyleAnd stay healthy! "
  • "If you lose weight with Dukan, anything is possible! Yes, yes, you can fry the legs, cut some mayonnaise salad on top, drink it all down with Pepsi and eat some cake. Yes, In the meantime. Yes, overnight. Well, the mayonnaise does come into its own, Dukan's, and you have to remove the skin from the legs, but these are small things that don't affect the taste or the fact itself - you can eat a lot of it, often, in a variety of ways. Generally speaking, the more you eat, the better your weight loss results. "
  • "This wonderful diet plus exercise has produced results, and the results have been fantastic. I'm still going with it, I just want to show the results, and I'm going to wait until my body is right for me, rather than stepping on the scale. On this diet you won't go hungry, there are plenty of dishes to choose from, even desserts and cakes. Everything is delicious and the whole family enjoys it without having to cook individually. "
  • "Don't forget to move, movement is life! During the attack phase, walk more and get fresh air. When I started eating like this, I started walking to and from get off work. Stop using the elevator. So it's all in your hands, feet and mind ! "